From Homeless to Homeowners

Over the years, we have heard many stories of transformative growth in the lives of our clients, but few are as powerful as the McDonald family. James and Shauner were nominated to us by Family Promise and gifted a Honda Accord in December of 2019. Here is their story as told by James (edited for length).

OnRamp helped us in several ways that we are so thankful for, that it's difficult to put into words. While I was working in Tulsa, we were informed that the owner of the home we were renting in BCS was going to sell. He gave us 42 days to get out. I was in a bind as my employer told me that if I left Tulsa (to help move my family), I would lose my job. I stayed in Tulsa for as long as I could to make as much money as I could before coming home and moving the family out of the rental and into a hotel. Living in hotels while trying to find a home for rent and having no income was costly and exhausted all of our resources which led to us staying in a shelter.

This is where we learned about OnRamp and ended up being nominated by one of the workers from the shelter. The blessing of being approved for a vehicle allowed us the ability to accept a job and move out of the shelter and back into a home.

Since being blessed with the vehicle, we have both been back at work and now are in the process of finding and purchasing a new home. I have since moved on to another company that allows me to work from home and pays more. Shauner is also working full time and we have purchased a second vehicle. Our daughter is now enrolled at a premiere charter school and is getting all A’s. To think that this all started because we were blessed with the ability to get around and become gainfully employed has led to more blessings than we can count.

We are now pursuing the possibility of blessing someone else with a vehicle through OnRamp as well. That is our goal for later this year.

Since sending us this letter a few months ago, James and Shauner have purchased a home of their own. From homeless to homeowners in just a few years through the gift of reliable transportation!

If you want to make a transformative impact for the Lord in the lives of local families like the McDonald’s, please consider donating to our ministry by clicking “GIVE” and/or volunteering with us by clicking “JOIN US”.