Jamie's Story

We are thrilled to share this amazing video produced with the help of UnitedWay of the Brazos Valley about one of our clients named Jamie. UnitedWay graciously helped to fund the purchase of her vehicle, provided by OnRamp. As you will hear, our ministry is often about meeting vulnerable people in their hour of need. For Jamie, like so many other single parents, a vehicle is not a luxury. It is an essential tool for staying employed, paying the bills, raising the kids, and getting to the doctor. Her story shows how the gift of a dependable car can be a truly life-saving necessity (watch to the end and you’ll see!)

If you would like to help us bless more worthy women like Jamie (and we have quite a few on the waiting list), please consider donating to our ministry monthly or through a one-time gift. All the details can be found on our GIVE page.