Why we do what we do

This, ladies and gentlemen, is why OnRamp exists: not to buy or fix cars, but to transform families. Here are three recent follow-up interviews with clients who received reliable vehicles from us in the past year…

Client 77’s six-month follow-up: She hasn’t had to miss work! She got a NEW job, almost doubling her income - a raise of $13,000 in the first 6 months! Her dad was living with her at the time she got an OnRamp SUV. Due to receiving a vehicle she was able to take her dad to the doctor. They changed his medication, and he was able to move back into his own place. With increased income she just recently moved into a new place, a duplex instead of an apartment! She has saved up $7000 so far towards eventually owning a home of her own! So let’s do the math: the gift of a vehicle which cost OnRamp approximately $8000 has led to a $13000 PER YEAR income increase and better, more stable housing for this client and her two young children. That’s a great investment!

Client 74’s six-month follow-up: This client works for a local Christian organization that fights human trafficking. From our interviewer: “Her OnRamp SUV has enabled her to get to work on her own and be independent. She works for a local charity that cares for victimized women and has been able to use her new vehicle to take clients to rehab and other necessary appointments.” She’s even been able to help rescue endangered clients out of Houston with her donated vehicle. Notice how the gift of a single car has ended up blessing many women in need as an expression of Jesus’ love for them. Reliable vehicles multiply a ministry’s impact.

Client 53’s twelve-month follow-up: She is so thankful for her van. She went on and on about how it has helped her family. She is positive and sweet and loves the Lord. She continues to work hard on her goals. She is definitely a success story and I have seen a transformation from day one to today in her emotional and mental health. On the week of the interview, her OnRamp van allowed her to transport her kids to TEN after school activities - just in that single week - all activities they might have missed without this vehicle. This single mom of four young kids can now visit her mom, go to counseling appointments, take her daughter to dance, go to dentist and doctor appointments for her and the kids, and so much more. Reliable vehicles give FREEDOM to entire families, transforming multiple generations.

We share these success stories with you all to hopefully show the eternal impact that comes from your support of OnRamp. To most onlookers, we are all about cars. But you know better. We are all about people, loved by God, whose lives can be transformed through the simple gift of a reliable vehicle. The cars are just our tools for making a lasting difference for generations to come.

If you’d like to help us keep this eternal impact going, please consider donating to OnRamp by visiting our GIVE page. Thank you!