Client #111: an actual miracle

This story has left me speechless, when few things do. I don’t know how to share the gravity and power of it. It’s just too sacred. But I will try. OnRamp’s 111th client is a single mom named Diana and her adult son with autism, Leland. Leland talks to Jesus… and Jesus talks to him. I am quite sure of it. The full story of how Leland came to receive this gift and how God has used his gift is not mine to tell. I will simply say that I believe it is true and it has humbled me.

The first thing you should know is that Diana is an inspiration. When she’s not working to support her family, she is taking Leland to specialist appointments, volunteering at her church or at assisted living facilities, and caring for her father in Caldwell. She gives all she has to serve God and others. But life became far more difficult when she found herself without a reliable vehicle, and unable to afford a replacement. For a time she borrowed a car, but it broke down, stranding her and Leland in the middle of a busy street. She needed help... so Jesus had a talk with Leland. He sent Leland to Jay Meador, the director of the Brazos Valley Financial Fitness Center. Diana was enrolled in Jay’s Financial Fitness program, but they were not scheduled to meet for some time. Jesus had other plans and fortuitously arranged an unplanned meeting that resulted in Diana’s nomination to OnRamp. We accepted her without reservation… and then we realized that Jesus had already provided the vehicle. A few weeks before, a generous family in town gave OnRamp a very low mileage 2011 Toyota Camry… for free. Do you know how often we are given a car that nice for nothing? Hardly ever! But obviously Jesus had a plan. The new title arrived exactly at the right time to sign it over to Diana. I told Jay that she and Leland were driving away in one of the nicest cars we’ve ever gifted.

So what to make of all this? I am not the kind of guy given to flights of fancy. I am an engineer through and through, skeptical by nature and hungry for evidence. But I believe a young man named Leland sees and talks with Jesus here in our own town. I am so grateful I got to meet Leland and play a small part in the story Jesus is writing in his life.

I will leave you with this: Leland says that everyday, no matter the circumstance, Jesus shows up to him robed in light, smiling from ear to ear. I look forward to seeing that for myself one day. Maranatha.

Story and pictures shared with Diana and Leland’s permission.