Client #85: Alice and Juan get a Civic!

Today we were blessed to give this beautiful blue Civic to client #85, Alice and Juan, sponsored to OnRamp by Rissina Hall at the Bryan Housing Authority, where they have been faithful tenants for the last nine years. The couple don’t just reside there, they also volunteer. Alice is very involved in the community, and Juan works full time to support the family. They are working hard towards their next financial goal, becoming Habitat for Humanity home owners. However, when their old, high-mileage Subaru broke down, all of that was threatened. Juan had no way to get to work, and neither of them could get to the store or doctors appointments. Their progress towards home ownership and self-sufficiency was in jeopardy.

Fortunately, a local couple offered this excellent Honda Civic to OnRamp for an affordable price… and it was even Alice’s favorite color! Today we gifted her and Juan with the freedom and independence of a reliable vehicle so they can stay on their path. We are grateful to Tara Lazaro and Abigail McDougal for taking point on their application, Rami Cerone for finding this great car, Christian Brothers Automotive for preparing it at a steep discount, and Mary Dunsmore for taking these awesome pictures (shared with client permission).