In Their Own Words

We recently completed our first major survey of our past OnRamp clients, and the results will warm your spirit on this cold day. Rather than read my words, here are actual quotes we collected from clients, anonymized to protect their privacy. When asked, “What personal goal have you made progress towards since receiving the vehicle?” here were some of the answers.

“I have been able to get to work. Thank you!”

“Becoming more independent financially. Managing money better. Believing in myself a lot more has been the best thing for me. Taking [my daughter] on adventures and truly enjoying life more.”

“Receiving this vehicle has allowed [our charity] to serve our community in a much wider capacity. We are able to take care of our clients transportation needs as well as carry us to important meetings and outreaches. This Tahoe has given us the freedom to serve. Thank you.”

“Headed toward marriage and a new life walking in faith.”

“Helping people who helped me”

”I can take my children to school knowing that I don't have to worry about it whether or not if it's raining or if it's cold regardless, my kids are safe and warm and dry. For school, I get to allow them to participate in after school activities. My son is thriving in basketball right now, so I'm grateful that not only can I go to his games, but I can make sure that he makes it to and from practice.”

“Going back to school to get better employment.”

“Health improving. Car extremely clean, lot of pride to get around. Work more.”

“Since receiving my vehicle, I have been able to get to and from work, which allows me to obviously provide for my kids. I've been able to get to and from my volunteer hours… I've also been able to stay, um, and work overtime at my job”

“Getting to work and to my sons Doc apts. Able to go to Church now, too.”

“I have made great progress and strides. I have received a better job with better pay. I have been able to visit doctor's offices when I need to… I have a new apartment that's even better than the last one that I was at.”

“Getting ready to become a teacher!!”

“You guys have definitely made a difference in my life. You gave me back my hope and confidence. Because of you I know now I can support my child and myself, and that is priceless to me. My goal is to become self-sufficient, and it’s certainly possible now thanks to you. May God continue to bless you as you have truly blessed us.”