Local Poverty Rates Higher than I Imagined

The more you know... I did some research for a talk on "The Faces of Poverty" with the Young Men's Service League at A&M Consolidated High School. The results surprised me.

2019 poverty rate...

- in US = 10.5%

- in TX = 14.7%

- in Brazos county, excluding A&M students = 20.0%, or 1 in 5

In Texas in 2019, 21% of all kids lived in poverty

And finally, while many people assume the poor must just not be working hard enough, in reality 2/3 of Texas families living in poverty are working! They have jobs and are genuinely trying to provide. They just don't earn enough to rise above poverty.

If you, like me, feel convicted that we MUST do something about the plight of the poor in our county, contact me and I'll point you in a direction to use your resources and talents to get involved.

And for those interested in the particular charitable work I do with OnRamp, I am driven (pun intended!) by this finding, "Automobile ownership has a greater impact on a person’s chances of being employed than having a high school diploma and is the greatest indicator of the quality and likelihood of a person’s employment” - Examining Transportation and Employment Outcomes Lichtenwalter, Koeske, & Sales, 2006.

Reliable vehicles really can save adults, kids, and families from the suffering of poverty. We'd love to have your help rescuing more families in need of assistance in our community.