From our Board: Why they Give

On this #GivingTuesday, we wanted to provide an opportunity for you to hear directly from our Board Chair, Catherine Cole, and Board Treasurer, Matt Ege. We asked them, “Why do you give to OnRamp?” We can’t expect others to donate to this cause if our leadership doesn’t donate first, so what led Catherine and Matt to give of their money and time so generously to OnRamp’s ministry?

Dr. Catherine Cole was introduced to OnRamp in 2018 as she taught a Capstone class with the Bush School that chose OnRamp as its research project. She was immediately struck by our client-focused ministry, summarized in our slogan, “it’s not about the vehicle, it’s about the people.” Shortly after the project ended, Dr. Cole enthusiastically joined OnRamp’s Board of Directors and has served as our Chair for the last several years. So why does she volunteer and give to OnRamp?

“A vehicle represents freedom, opportunities for career improvement, community engagement and more. It’s so uplifting [to be a part of OnRamp], you get to help leave a legacy and be a small part of someone’s journey toward self-sufficiency… That’s why I do this work - I can leave the earth, and other people, better than I found them. We get to show others the hope of Jesus!”

Dr. Matt Ege provides oversight of OnRamp’s finances as our Board Treasurer. He ensures all financial decisions are made with biblical wisdom, professional accuracy, and complete transparency. He is an accomplished Professor within the Accounting Department of Mays Business School. Asked why he donates his time and money to OnRamp, he says,

When I think about OnRamp, I think about the people. We aren’t just giving cars away - we are investing in people. When you put $100 into an investment, when you go to take it out later, it will have grown. And that’s how I view giving to OnRamp. What we are doing is using the gift of reliable transportation as an excuse to invest in people. There’s nothing wrong with giving someone a meal - but it’s consumed right then. What we’re doing is making long-term impact to make each donation grow exponentially and change lives. It’s amazing. Thinking about the impact your dollar can have - it’s more than that one dollar!”

Asked why donors should consider trusting OnRamp with their money, Matt responded,

“We are absolutely committed to transparency. So much so that we’ve made it possible for anyone to download our financial statements directly from our website. Donors can see what we spend; it’s reviewed and it’s open to questions. Donors can contact us about anything! We are an open book.”

To that question, Catherine responded,

“We are certified by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. We have a robust budget. And most notably, our board is not a rubber stamp board - they are diverse, they ask questions, they are engaged.”

As you consider where to give on this #GivingTuesday and for the remainder of 2023, we’ll leave you with these inspiring words from Dr. Cole,

I think it’s important for us to be reminded [that] for those who have been given so very much, much is expected. It’s energizing to realize that we CAN do something about it! We can change our community for the better.”

To donate one-time or monthly to OnRamp’s 2023 “Supercharge your Impact” campaign, please visit our GIVE page.