Client #120: Gloria a Dios Hermano!

What a privilege to bless my friend Samua and his wife, Grisel, and their three daughters with a new vehicle! Samua is a phenomenally gifted Worship Minister from Cuba who now serves at Grace Bible Church’s new Midtown Campus. He leads in both English and Spanish, creating an environment where people from diverse backgrounds can worship together. Sadly, Samua and Grisel have faced substantial challenges over the last year, including the death of Grisel’s mother in Cuba and the destruction of their home church in Havana due to a nearby gas leak. So much of their income has gone to supporting loved ones back in Cuba during these crises that none was left to afford a new vehicle when their 200,000+ mile minivan broke down. They needed help. Fortunately, our generous donors stepped up to help us raise over $10,000 to purchase this 2010 Toyota Camry with only 49,000 miles. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this car is practically new. It should last another 200,000! Now Samua and Grisel and their girls have reliable transportation to continue their journey, blessing many of us here in the BCS while also supporting many back in Cuba. This was a perfect illustration of the body of Christ serving one another in love!

Thank you to my good friend, Chris McGuffey, for nominating this stellar family to us. Fun to partner with you again! Story and pictures shared with client permission, who exclaimed when asked, “Gloria a Dios hermano!” Amen, Samua!