Meet an Amazing Family of Five in Need

Rather than focus on the vehicles OnRamp needs, let me tell you about one of the families on our waiting list hoping to receive a vehicle this month. This family, a husband and wife with 3 school age-children, has just one vehicle: a 20 year old SUV with a failing transmission, no AC or heater, and only 1 working window. Oh, and when it rains, the car leaks. They need to travel about 200 miles a week to school, the doctor, the store, and to transport grandpa to the VA and the grocery store. The kids are currently missing school at times because the dad has to take the car to work early, assuming it will run at all. 

This family was nominated to OnRamp by a ministry of Grace Bible Church. Their advocate said of the mom, “She is the most selfless and thoughtful person I know. What she has, she uses to best serve and love others. Whether it's making blankets for those in need, watching her own and other peoples kids, or inviting me over for their family dinner, she is there and eager to reach out. She loves unconditionally and I look up to her passion for others.”

This family is one of six families on our waiting list for a donated vehicle. All of these clients have worked hard to impress our interviewers and fulfill their action steps. Now all that’s lacking are the vehicles to empower their next steps forward. As you prepare your year-end giving, please consider making a donation to OnRamp to help us buy the minivans and SUV’s these families will need. And if you give in the next couple weeks in honor of a friend, family-member, or coworker through our Christmas ornament fundraiser (click here), we’ll send them this year’s Isaiah 61 inspired ornament to help them celebrate the freedom and joy your gift makes possible.