Client 147: Adored, and an Urgent Need

OnRamp gifted a minivan to our 147th client last week, a woman whose identity we need to keep private. This single mom is raising five kids ages 7 months to 8 years, and these kids absolutely adore her. I got to spend a half hour inside the tax office with her kids (and even hold her 7-month-old, which is very fun for this gray haired dad-of-teens!) and watched how well they responded to their mom. They were a delight. Project Unity sponsored her after watching her overcome significant adversity while remaining positive and hopeful. She inspired all of us who met her. We could not have gifted her this minivan without the support of Christian Brothers Corporate who donated it to OnRamp. Their local franchises here in BCS, every other franchise we’ve worked with, and their corporate staff have continually partnered in OnRamp’s efforts to share Jesus’ love with families in need.

But now I need to ask for help.

While we rejoice for client 147, we are struggling to raise funds for the ten additional fully-approved clients waiting on our list for a vehicle. We’ve got multiple single moms raising young kids, trying desperately to hold down jobs and make doctor appointments without a vehicle. We have a grandmother trying to get to her very sick grandson at Texas Children’s in Houston. We’ve got a single dad who is a veteran trying his best to care for his young kids. We’ve got three Afghan female refugees fleeing Taliban violence who’ve found a home here in BCS but can’t get around without a vehicle. They send much of their discretionary income home to parents in Afghanistan who are just trying to stay alive. They desperately need our help to create a new life here in Texas.

These ten worthy individuals and the families they are supporting have completed all the action steps we’ve required of them, been through applications and interviews and follow-ups, and are now just waiting for us to receive the funds needed to purchase reliable cars and SUV’s, vehicles that will mean freedom and opportunity for each of them. At approximately $8,000 to buy each vehicle and $2,000 to fully repair, prep, and maintain for a year (a core part of our ongoing ministry to clients), we need to raise $100,000 to serve these ten hard-working clients.

Can you help us with a one-time special gift or by becoming a monthly donor (what we call our Drivers of Hope)? Please click this link to donate electronically or by check or stock. Do you know anyone who might want to donate to OnRamp or learn more about partnering with us? Please direct them to our website and feel free to give them my contact information ( I would love to talk with them and share our ministry and our vision.

One final note: I want to especially thank the Bryan Rotary Club for partnering with OnRamp by donating $3,000 towards this need. Thank you all for your generosity and heart for service!